Exclusive Payment Partner: STRIPE


Hassle-Free Payment Processing & reporting Powered by STRIPE

We integrate with STRIPE the with leading online payment solutions provider to collect, manage, and report on all transactions safely and accurately. Let the experts take care of the dollars and pennies so you can focus on your business.

Improve the guest experience and gain more clients

Providing clients with an easy way to pay for their event, party or reservation is simply expected because consumers expect to be able to buy and pay online easily from their computer or phone. Asking consumers to print and scan back their credit card information is adding layers of friction that will push them to look for a new venue

Improve cash flow

Clients can make payments any time of day, which means you receive your money faster rather than having to manually process payments through your POS and then create and send a receipt.

Simplify reporting & reconciliation

Integrated payments in your software portal mean all of your event, reservation, and party transactions are in one place, reporting becomes centralized, and reconciling becomes fast and simple. This makes bookkeeping a breeze. If your business is using a credit card authorization form, you’re likely to manually process the charges in a separate Point of Sale (POS), resulting in a printed receipt that then needs to be scanned and digitally sent to the client. By switching to online payments you can eliminate all of this tedious work. More time = more event revenue.

Offer secure and faster payments

By offering online payments through STRIPE you are adding a guaranteed level of safety and meeting PCI compliance standards. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) mandates that businesses remain PCI compliant and obtain an annual certificate agreeing to a list of 12 requirements. Using secure payment methods lets the consumer know that you value their business just as much as protecting their personal information. Spend less time tracking down payments, reconciling payments between Your Events Team and your POS system, and never worry about putting your business in danger of hefty fees.

Frequently Asked Questions

After you have processed $100,000 or more per month, for three consecutive months among all locations, we can apply for pricing discount with STRIPE.

In the Your Events Team software go to Settings > Payment Processing > NEW > then add STRIPE Destination Charges as your processor and follow the on screen display.

The payment schedule is a rolling 2 days, excluding weekends and holidays.


  • For payments processed on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays, your payouts should arrive on Wednesdays.
  • For payments processed on Tuesdays, your payouts should arrive on Thursdays.
  • For payments processed on Wednesdays, your payouts should arrive on Fridays.
  • For payments processed on Thursdays, your payouts should arrive on Mondays.
  • For payments processed on Fridays, your payouts should arrive on Tuesdays.



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